Well, tomorrow is orientation day for new students! I’ve decided to get an MAR (Masters of Art and Religion) and focus on Old Testament. I really enjoy theology, but I have this belief at the moment that there is no better way to develop an accurate theology than to learn about God from the Bible and become very proficient in the original languages. Knowing the language will help me overcome issues with bad translations (and the doctrinal errors that have grown up around them) and help me towards a more accurate picture of who God really is according to what we have available to us from the texts. Of course, its not my only source – a personal relationship with Him is what makes the old texts come alive.

I’m pretty excited to get started, but a little worried. Writing on this blog has helped me get used to writing a lot again, but I’m still rusty on doing really good writing on spiritual topics that would be appropriate for a masters degree level. But that will probably benefit everyone here who likes reading about deep stuff. Now I’ll have access to a huge library and will be able to quote stuff from legitimate authors and not just rest my arguments on my own opinions.  Good scholarship, like good science, seems to be a group effort.

Well, classes start next Tuesday. I’m starting out by taking one course a semester so I can figure out a balance in my life between seminary, freelance web-design/graphic design business, and my family (now wife and 2 kids!). My first class is: Psalms.

Wish me luck!


  1. Good luck, my friend! I can’t tell you how excited I am for you!

  2. You like OT too!? It’s great to find a kindred spirit in OT study! I like to joke around with the NT students that the NT is the appendix in the Bible – they ought to study the real thing. They like to kid around with us and say stuff like – “Guess what? – Jesus came! Thought you OT guys might like to know! etc. Its a lot of fun. 🙂 I’m already learning some great things about Hebrew that has really helped me understand English translations better. Some amazing stuff that I should have learned long before I taught classes at church… oh well.

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